Choosing a Meeting Room

Choosing a Meeting Room

Meetings are an essential part of most businesses, helping those within it to share new information, new ideas, and discuss important decisions that contribute to its future growth and success. You will also need to think about whether you want non-serviced or serviced offices in which to hold the meetings you need.

Meetings play an important part in every well-functioning business and can help to strengthen relationships between employees in a team, as well as getting everyone on the same page whilst progressing forward with an idea or project.

Meetings are a vital part to many business’ success, as are the places they are held in. Some meetings depend on a variety of features to function, such as power points for electronic devices, access to Wi-Fi and more. Therefore, the environment in which meetings can be a crucial part of the meeting itself, and will need to be chosen well in order to ensure the meeting goes ahead successfully.

Meeting Room Key Considerations

Some of the main things to look for in a meeting room include the following:

  • Equipment
  • Design
  • Affordability
  • Location
  • Condition

Each of these features can play a vital role in the functioning and success of a meeting. It is best to first think of what your business needs from the space, the essentials for successful meetings, and any other requirements you may have for the meeting room.

Getting a Space That Meets Your Requirements

In order to get the perfect space in which to hold your business meetings, it is important to consider what the meetings in question require: how many people the room needs to hold and any other amenities the business feel are important for success in meetings.

If the business is fairly small, and will only hold a handful of people at any given meeting, getting a space that is reasonably small (yet still accommodates for the maximum amount of people that could be there) can help a business to cut down the costs for this, saving money to be spent productively in other areas of the company.

If meetings also heavily rely on the internet, for example when Skyping with business partners or presenting information using an online platform. It is also important to get a space with good Wi-Fi connection, and the right equipment to present skype conferences and presentations (i.e. a camera and a smartboard device).

Meeting Room Equipment

Equipment is a vital component of any meeting room, with different businesses requiring different features to successfully carry out meetings in the space. Getting a space that has presentation facilities can be extremely beneficial for presenting information to the room, which is very often required in meetings. Ensuring the room has screens and projection equipment is therefore usually a must for most meeting rooms.

Other areas to look out for to ensure the meeting room is adequately equipped for your business include power sockets, lights, air conditioning, and heating. It’s important for the productivity of the meeting that the space is at a comfortable temperature, with enough power sockets to accommodate for the electronics used throughout the meetings.

Meeting Room Design Features

Design is another vital part of a meeting room to look out for, reflecting upon the business to both its employees and clients. Having a well-designed meeting room that is nicely furnished with a lot of natural light and high ceilings can help to make a space feel open and comfortable, putting the business in a good light to both its workforce and clients.

A meeting room should usually also be open-plan; where everyone in the room can see each other. This helps to enable free-flowing conversation and communication with everyone in the space, which is a crucial part to most meetings.


Affordability is one of the most essential things to look for in a meeting room. Whilst meeting rooms can help to improve productivity within the business, strengthening employee relationships whilst sharing thoughts and ideas for project, getting a meeting room your business simply cannot afford will have the exact opposite effect.

It is important to always ensure that the chosen meeting room is within the business’ budget.

Meeting Room Location

Location is another crucial factor when looking for the perfect meeting room. The location of the space should be easy to get to, with good transport links and plenty of parking. The meeting room should also have disabled facilities to ensure any disabled employees and clients can attend meetings. We offer meeting rooms in a range of locations across London and the Greater London footprint.


Air conditioning, heating and climate control play an important role in the productivity of a meeting room. They help to keep the space at a comfortable temperature, and thereby help people to focus on the meeting’s agenda, helping to promote productivity.

Aside from air conditioning and heating, the meeting room must also be kept clean and tidy to promote a positive image for the business to both its employees and clients. Not all meeting rooms will provide a clean-up service, therefore, it’s good to check the services that come with the space, how regularly it is cleaned, and how much a cleaning service would cost if this does not come as standard.

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