Why Working Locally Is Better Than Working From Home

Working From Home

Why Working Locally Is Better Than Working From Home

For some people, having to adjust to working from home as a result of COVID19 has been a blessing in disguise, but as time goes on, many companies are starting to question the overall benefits for their business.  

Whilst employees may claim to be as effective working from their beds and sofas, is working from home really the most effective way to grow your business? 

As many organisations debate the reopening of their central London offices, we list five reasons why you might want to look at working locally, using serviced offices in your area as an alternative to working from home or having to commute into town. 


1. Structure


Working from home creates a very different daily structure to that of having a dedicated office. The luxury of falling out of bed into your office can eventually wear off, as many miss the ritual of getting up and out as part of the working day. Relocating to an office space that is based locally can bring back a sense of structure, consistency and productivity that many are now finding difficult to achieve when working from home, without the stress of an exhausting daily commute.


2. Work Life Balance


A healthy work-life balance matters immensely when running a business. However when your work and life spaces combine, it can be difficult for your employees to stay motivated, negatively impacting on mental health and ultimately affecting your business. A local serviced office is a great way to separate your work environment from your personal space at home, ensuring your employees always remain efficient and productive, also avoiding the long commute to central London you might have once had.


3. Privacy & Productivity


Whilst initially working from home was a novel welcomed alternative, in recent weeks many companies have realised that it can be difficult to obtain the same productivity and efficiency levels achieved by working in an office. A local serviced office space will allow for uninterrupted work as well as providing dedicated spaces for meetings, interviews and private calls – all simple business essentials that are not always easy to achieve when working from home.


4. Corporate Social Responsibility


Social Responsibility is a concept that implies your business has an obligation towards society. What better way to give back to the community than working locally? Our highstreets have seen the full force of the pandemic and many businesses miss the people with spare cash in their pockets to spend. Taking a local office space within walking distance to your local highstreets with their various shops, restaurants, pubs etc. ensures your business helps to feed and sustain the local community.


5. Complimentary Refreshments


Just because you’re taking an office space doesn’t mean you can’t still save money on coffee, like you did when working from home. Many serviced offices come with complimentary refreshments, ensuring you are always fueled and ready to be productive.


Brentano Suite operates a number of luxury serviced office locations in local neighbourhoods of North West London and Hertfordshire. Enquire today to speak to a member of our team and book a viewing at your nearest centre.


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